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Meet Ken!

Working as a developer in real estate for 20 years, Ken Emmer’s focus is homes as a liaison for the community. Ken moved to San Luis Obispo in 2008 when his partner who lived and worked out here, had mentioned housing opportunities. Working in land development and real estate for the last 25 years, his work experience spans a range of locations but focuses primarily on Santa Barbara County and San Luis Obispo County.

He notes that his most significant project, the Fish Lake Landing subdivision, was a piece of property in Talkeetna, Alaska where he developed and subdivided the lots for residential and commercial use. As his interest in community building through his profession runs deep, Ken’s love of people and where they’re from, has translated in his personal life as well.

In his free time, he is a court appointed special advocate for children and enjoys Tango and Salsa dancing with friends. Other hobbies include designing bicycles in his free time and enjoying the fresh air of San Luis Obispo on the many hikes in the area.

A memorable example of his personal and professional life’s goals aligning, is when a client that he sold a house to in Nipomo expressed interest in setting up a produce stand with the dual purpose of furthering her family business and providing local fruits and vegetables to a community living in a “food desert.” Ken immediately took interest in the project, taking his clients needs, as well as his own personal mission of community wellness into consideration. He addressed the board of supervisors who noted there was no fruit and vegetable stand allowed in a commercial district. Currently Ken has gathered many community members and activists alike to advocate for the availability of fresh produce to a community in need, a cause that he cares about.

Mayra Paniagua

Colleen Sarksian met Ken through a friend, and describes him with a great joyful spirit. “He has a tangible effusive love for the land. He understands the land; it is a very comforting and positive thing about working with him. You can tell he just loves what he does. The things that I have learned about where I grew up that Ken taught me have been so invaluable. It wasn't just a business transaction. This industry is fraught with difficulties. I mean who would do this, but he loves it, and it comes across greatly in his personality. Really gets into it, gives a 1000% and makes the process feel so safe.”

Colleen Sarksian

Mayra Paniagua met Ken through the purchase of real estate property. “One of the most notable characteristics about Ken is his passion. He cares about the work that he does and he’s very easy to talk to and connect with. When there is a question or some type of doubt, he’ll always find the answer. He is a true problem solver because he’s very knowledgeable in his work.”

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